Children can be so difficult, and all you want to do is comfort them. I find it so amazing that you learn so much about your child in such a short amount of time. By the time we left the hospital, 48 hours after her birth it was like I had known her for forever. Like I stated in a previous post I struggled with severe postpartum depression. That prevented me from forming a bond with her in her first weeks. Luckily, things are starting to look for me and Lily has become the most important thing in my life.
Even though Lily is only a month old, she already has favorite things.
She has her favorite blanket, and favorite pacifier. Luckily for me, I'm her favorite person. She has her favorite position to lie, she loves to lie on top of me with her head against my chest listening to my heartbeat. Her favorite place to sleep is in her carseat or swing. She loves tummy time! She is such a strong little baby already, she'll hold her up and try to roll over. She can roll over now only because her big head makes her fall into it!
I've had this little girl in my life for less than a month, already I know so much about her. I can only imagine what I would know about her if I was able to be a better mother to her in her first few weeks of life. I'm trying not to take any of this time for granted. I can't believe how fast they grow. Don't take a single day for granted, I wish I could have been there for her. If there was anything I could do to gain back those weeks, I would do it in a heartbeat. Right now I'm loving getting to know her, and am making sure that she has all her favorite things.
I needed to read this tonight! My son has been a handful this weekend. Though we had a blast, he was just really particular and quite fussy. He's almost two, so it must be the "terrible twos" that everyone talks about. But, yes, it goes SO fast, so love her up! Before you know it she will be telling you exactly what she wants, when she wants it and get really mad if she doesn't get it! Hah!