Tuesday, April 15, 2014

2 Months Old

I cannot believe it! Liliana is already 2 months old, she has changed and grown so much it's hard to believe that she is the same little baby that I gave birth to two months (and three days) ago! She isn't super active, but she does FINALLY have a personality. She has time where she'll laugh and smile. She loves to sit up! Although we do have to be right there with our hands around her because most of the time she'll fall. I can't wait to watch her keep growing. Each time she does something new I love it and hate it simultaneously. I am so excited to watch her grow, but I want to stay my baby. Although, I don't think I'll have any problems when she starts to hold her bottle, burp herself, and use the toilet!

 Above is one of Lily's newborn pictures, taken when she only 12 hours old.  She was so tiny! 8lbs 4 oz. To the right is a picture taken within the last few days. She is such a happy baby! She is now 10 lbs 14oz.

Baby smiles are so simple, but make such a big impact. After a bad day at work coming home and having her look up at you and just have the biggest, cheesiest, gummy smile on her face is just such a great feeling. It makes you forget all about the bad things that have happened to you.

Sometimes all she'll do is cry. It's so frustrating- especially when you have homework to do and a house to clean. A lot of the time she'll just stop crying, only for a second and look at me and smile, then she'll go back to crying. I like to think of it as her way of apologizing for screaming non-stop. Luckily, this doesn't happen all that often.

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