Sunday, April 27, 2014

2 Months Old!

Lily is a little over 2 months old now! It's so crazy how fast time goes- especially between trying to take care of Lily, working, and being a full-time student. I feel like i'm always on the move! I'm looking forward to having a more relaxing summer of working part time, and taking care of Lily. It's so great now that she's "fun". She giggles, and smiles and is just such a happy baby.

I can't believe how much she's changed in the last 2 months, and how much I have changed too. My main focus is now Lily. Before her everything I did was to benefit myself in some way or another. Now, that completely different- Literally every single thing that I do, I do for her. I've never been more motivated to succeed than I am now. My priorities are so much different now too. Family is so, so important to me. I'm closer than ever to both my Mom, and my fiance's family. I think that the biggest change that i've seen in myself is my patience. I've NEVER been a patient person! Now, with Liliana I am so patient. I'm perfectly fine with staying up all night with her while she screams because of a tummy ache, or cuddling with her because she's cold or lonely when I have a list of a billion things to get done. Although I do get annoyed (especially when I'm running on very little sleep!!) everything becomes perfectly fine the moment that she smiles. Every time she smiles it makes every single thing just fine.


  1. What a little cutie! It's amazing how someone so little can change your perspective and outlook on life. They teach you so much that you never thought you'd learn! Keep enjoying the adventures!

  2. It's amazing how fast they grow up! This is not quite the same, but I couldn't believe when my little sister was finally old enough to drive, I can't imagine what it's like when the baby growing is your own!
