Sunday, April 27, 2014

2 Months Old!

Lily is a little over 2 months old now! It's so crazy how fast time goes- especially between trying to take care of Lily, working, and being a full-time student. I feel like i'm always on the move! I'm looking forward to having a more relaxing summer of working part time, and taking care of Lily. It's so great now that she's "fun". She giggles, and smiles and is just such a happy baby.

I can't believe how much she's changed in the last 2 months, and how much I have changed too. My main focus is now Lily. Before her everything I did was to benefit myself in some way or another. Now, that completely different- Literally every single thing that I do, I do for her. I've never been more motivated to succeed than I am now. My priorities are so much different now too. Family is so, so important to me. I'm closer than ever to both my Mom, and my fiance's family. I think that the biggest change that i've seen in myself is my patience. I've NEVER been a patient person! Now, with Liliana I am so patient. I'm perfectly fine with staying up all night with her while she screams because of a tummy ache, or cuddling with her because she's cold or lonely when I have a list of a billion things to get done. Although I do get annoyed (especially when I'm running on very little sleep!!) everything becomes perfectly fine the moment that she smiles. Every time she smiles it makes every single thing just fine.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Max and Lily

Max and Lily are best friends, and have been from the moment she got home. He is always buy her, runs into her room when she starts crying and has to be right next to whoever holds her (unless it's me or Terence).
He loves to be around her, and I am so excited for the time when she finally is able to play with him!

Recently we were headed back home from visiting our family, Max and Lily were in the backseat. We stopped to get gas and it was raining really hard, I reached back to make sure that Lily's straps were tight enough. When I reached back I felt Max! I looked back and he was just sitting in Lily's carseat with her, just super happy! Lily was pretty happy too, she was trying to grab at his fur! He was sitting inbetween her legs, so she wasn't getting hurt or anything. They both seemed disappointed when I made him move. The whole ride back I had to keep checking that he didn't get back in there with her, which he didn't.

Max is always trying to protect her! To help make sure that he had a good experience with her we did try to prepare. As my pregnancy progressed we slowly started giving him less attention. We did that so the baby wouldn't cause him to lose attention. We also set up the nursery really early so he would have a chance to get used to everything. We tried to change everything so that it would be how it was when the baby arrived. Once I had her we wrapped her up in blankets that either Terence or my Mom would take back to Max so he would get used to her smell. Luckily, everything we did must have worked because they already have such a great bond, I can't wait to see how it changes as Lily gets older!

2 Months Old

I cannot believe it! Liliana is already 2 months old, she has changed and grown so much it's hard to believe that she is the same little baby that I gave birth to two months (and three days) ago! She isn't super active, but she does FINALLY have a personality. She has time where she'll laugh and smile. She loves to sit up! Although we do have to be right there with our hands around her because most of the time she'll fall. I can't wait to watch her keep growing. Each time she does something new I love it and hate it simultaneously. I am so excited to watch her grow, but I want to stay my baby. Although, I don't think I'll have any problems when she starts to hold her bottle, burp herself, and use the toilet!

 Above is one of Lily's newborn pictures, taken when she only 12 hours old.  She was so tiny! 8lbs 4 oz. To the right is a picture taken within the last few days. She is such a happy baby! She is now 10 lbs 14oz.

Baby smiles are so simple, but make such a big impact. After a bad day at work coming home and having her look up at you and just have the biggest, cheesiest, gummy smile on her face is just such a great feeling. It makes you forget all about the bad things that have happened to you.

Sometimes all she'll do is cry. It's so frustrating- especially when you have homework to do and a house to clean. A lot of the time she'll just stop crying, only for a second and look at me and smile, then she'll go back to crying. I like to think of it as her way of apologizing for screaming non-stop. Luckily, this doesn't happen all that often.

Friday, April 11, 2014

School & Lily

     Being a Mom and a student is hard work. I never expected it to be as hard as it is. There have been days where I simply just forget that i'm enrolled in classes, others where  I just don't have the time or energy. I tried to prevent this from happening by making a schedule for each week of the semester. Up until this week I did pretty good staying  on track. This week changed everything, I'm not really sure why everything changed but it has been ten times harder trying to remember to do homework. The only thing that has changed recently is my attempt at losing weight. I think I may be doing too much, but there isn't really anything I can do about it.

       I got really lucky this week, a few assignments were pushed back. Others I was able to turn in late. To anyone doing a lot I would really recommend getting a planner and sitting down with your class schedules and planning out what is due when. I try to schedule specific days to work on larger projects, but since most of them are groups it can be hard to actually do that. That schedule is what has helped kept me afloat this semester. It hasn't been easy, but I have my motivation whenever I look at my daughter. Everything I do is for her, and to help provide her with the best life I can.

       I encourage anyone who wants to go back to school to do it. I almost didn't take any classes this semester and I really think that would have started a pattern of me saying "I'll go back next semester". The sooner you start, the sooner you'll finish. All parents have the perfect motivation- their child. It's not always easy, but I know that it will be worth it.

Monday, March 31, 2014

My Story With PPD

I've made a previous post about my postpartum depression, but I thought I'd give a little bit more insight into because it has affected my life greatly recently. I have yet to have the courage to speak about this with friends and family, but I need to start trying to not be ashamed.  I was hospitalized for my depression. After meeting with my doctor at my 6 week checkup, they decided that instead of just sending me to become admitted into the mental health-affective disorders unit they would send me to get evaluated first to determine what would be best for me. Once I got the hospital to be evaluated I was really nervous and wanted to go home. They came in and talked to me and then said that I should stay, I was hoping that I would be able to just head in, get switched from my medication, make a therapy or psychiatrist appointment and head home. Unfortunately, that wasn't how things went. I ended up saying I wanted to go home instead of staying, in order to do that I had to talk with a Police Officer. I figured they would let me go home because I would have both my fiance and my Mom with me all weekend. When the officer came in he basically told me I needed to choose to stay or I would be taken into protective custody and held at the trauma center until at least Tuesday. (This occurred Friday morning.) I chose to stay at the hospital with hope that I would be released the following morning.
Once I got assigned to a room, I felt even worse than when I had arrived there. I couldn't believe that I was in the mental health unit at the hospital, I felt like I shouldn't be there. I honestly felt like a failure. It was really difficult to deal with, luckily my Mom, Fiance, and daughter were there to help me. For the first night I ended up sitting in my room with my family until they were forced to leave at 9:00. I cried when Lily left. I couldn't believe that this was the first night I was going to have to spend away from her. I felt like such a terrible mother. Eventually I ran out of tears and ended up staying up until 2 reading and watching tv. Overall, I slept pretty well, although I would've preferred to be at home with Lily even if it meant getting woken up fairly often.
I started Saturday off by meeting with a social worker and then with the doctor. They changed my medication and told me I needed to begin therapy. The day drug on, we had group therapy (which seemed like a waste of my time). It consisted of getting worksheets of Sudoku, playing a DVD game of Family Feud, and telling everyone why were there. I felt like I could have been sent home, I was there to be monitored but I would have people with me at home. I was really disappointed to learn that I would have to stay another night away from Lily. Sunday began the same way, more social workers, and more doctors. The doctor switched my medication again after an adverse reaction. He wanted me to stay yet another night, luckily he finally agreed to letting me go home that evening if I reacted well to the new medication and made appointments for when I left the hospital.  I reacted fine, and was home by 5.

The hospital may have been for the best. I was able to step away and pull myself together. I realized I do have a lot to work through, and I'm not myself most of the time. I am able to think back to when I was pregnant and remember how happy I was, that is my goal. I hated being away from Lily, but am grateful for the time I had to focus on myself for the first time in 6 weeks. I have to take each day slowly and remember my goals. I have to constantly remind myself that the hospital stay and the medication don't make me a bad person, or a bad mother. Each day is a struggle.

What has helped me make it through these first 6 weeks is having a distraction. Going to Omaha to see my Mom has been a huge help in many ways. It is my escape from reality. When I'm there I'm not alone, I have help, I have someone to talk to and most importantly I feel safe and I have someone who understands my struggles. Finally coming to terms with the fact that I have PPD has been really hard. I never realized how bad I had become until I was able to take a moment to think and really just get lost in my thoughts.

This time with Liliana should be wonderful, I do love so much but most of the time i'm just not happy. I would be fine with Lily, but with everyone else I wasn't very patient, or very nice. PPD is real, and is serious. I'm so glad I was able to get some help so I can enjoy this time with Lily.

Everyday Life

Lily and I spend nearly all day everyday together. Sometimes it does get a bit overwhelming, especially since i'm still taking a full class load and am about to return to work (luckily only part time!). I'm so glad that the weather is improving so that we will have a chance to get out of the house more. Most days I get up with Lily about 8 or 9 in the morning, change and feed her. She'll fall into a milk coma pretty quickly. Normally once she falls asleep I will too, unless I have a long list of things to do.  She'll normally only sleep another 2 or 3 hours, by 11 we are ready to start our day. We start off by getting Lily another bottle and a clean diaper. Then is one of my favorite parts of the day, picking out her clothes! She has a wardrobe that you would not believe, she has a walk-in closet that isn't big enough. I can't hang all her clothes up, luckily they range from 3 months to 18 months. I normally try to get at least a little bit of homework done before Terence gets home from work or class. Once he gets home we eat lunch and maybe watch some tv. He normally will be home for a little over an hour before he has to leave again. Once he leaves Lily and I try to get out of the house, we love to take walks outside, or go shopping at Target or the mall. While we are out she'll normally have a bottle and get a new diaper before she takes another nap. Once we get home we try to do some tummy time, she loves it most of the time. She would much rather lie on her stomach on top of me than on her tummy time mat. I think I love it just as much as she does. Lily is such a cuddly baby! After tummy time she is ready to eat again. Once she eats we try to have her take a shower (she HATES baths!) and then put her in a sleeper and cuddle with either me or Terence. She'll be cuddly until she gets hungry, she'll get one last bottle and fall asleep for the night. Once she's asleep she'll sleep between 4-8 hours, most of the time it's about 5 or 6 hours. I love when it works out that she'll get up a little before we head to bed so we really only have to get up once overnight with her.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Leaving Lily

Leaving Lily for the first time was so nerve racking! I have left her briefly with her Dad, Terence but never with anyone else! We spend all day together and she is my little princess. We had her name picked out pretty soon after we found out I was pregnant. Since she's my little Lily, I had decided I would get a Calla Lily tattoo. My Mother and I have become really close recently, and she is in love with Lily as much as I am, so we decided to get matching Lily tattoos.
Here they are! Just Kidding.

All day I was so nervous about leaving her!!I dropped Lily off at one of her Grandma's houses and reluctantly left. I was so nervous and anxious! I wanted to go back in and just stay with her. Once we got to the tattoo parlor I became more nervous about the tattoo than about missing Lily. Once mine was done I went right back to worrying about her! I had to force myself to stay off my phone otherwise I would have ended up calling to check in on her way to often! Luckily, when things were done we made a quick trip to the store then I was finally able to get her back!
Once we walked in I had to resist the urge to snatch her up and cuddle with her. I tried to act like a normal sane Mother and just buckle her in and head back to my Mom's. I succeed! Once I got to my Mom's though I took her out of her carseat and snuggled with her. I hated leaving her! I did love having a chance to be baby free for a little bit though. I have to leave her with her other Grandma this weekend while we go to dinner with some friends. Being away from her is so hard, but it's so nice to have a break sometimes.